Blake Shelton Provides a Candid Backstage Experience for BS’ers

Did you ever wanna go backstage and hang out with Blake Shelton before a show? Here’s your chance.

In a new video, Blake takes viewers on a special VIP tour as he gets ready backstage for a performance. You’ll see Blake signing guitars and showing off the BS’ers Lounge, a small performance area where he plays to VIP fans before his show.

“I’m really enjoying these BS’ers Lounge performances because it kind of loosens me up before the show,” Blake says in the video. “I think these people seem like they are having a blast. They get their private warm-up concert—it actually helps me in that way. Selfishly, it’s just fun.”

Check out the video below and follow Blake through a VIP meet and greet, a warm-up performance and Q&A session. It’s almost like you were there.
